Visit Boston

General Info

  • Here's a map with fun points on it

  • Travel Logistics

    • Logan Airport

    • The T (subway map)

      • Fares are $2.50 to walk up and ride. Otherwise, think about buying a pass ($11.00 for 1 day or $18.00 for 7 days), which gives you unlimited travel on Subway, Local Bus, Inner Harbor Ferry, and Commuter Rail Zone 1A.

    • Boston Express bus from Boston to NH (Kate's house is up Rte 93, near Exit 5 - North Londonderry)

Boston Proper

Outside of Boston


Are you visiting the northeast in pursuit of autumn gold? You’re not alone. As evidenced by flight prices, New England’s fall colors attract tourists by the thousands. Get out of the city, and find yourself on meandering roads through the country hillside… and bring your camera.

Try to hit popular foliage destinations mid-week to avoid the biggest crowds. Some of my New Hampshire favorites: