Saving Wisteria

Aw, crud. Some little bugger stripped the bark off my wisteria tree… all the way around. GRRRR.

Being girdled will typically kill a tree, but I’m doing to try my best to save it. After some time on YouTube, I decided to insert several bridges with grafting paste, wrap the exposed area in moss, and then cover with loose-weave burlap for the winter. Now we wait.


23 Trees and Hopefully Done Counting


First there was the small birch just behind the shed that leaned at a 45-degree angle right through where I was installing my fence. 

Then there was the dead tree that had been strangled by wire.

Then there was the tree that fell on my fence during the Thanksgiving 2014 snow storm. It became one of the 18 trees I had removed earlier this year... I thought I was done.


This fir was one of three in a small stand, so of course when it toppled in a wind storm (core rot), I didn't like the bare look of the two remaining, which probably also had core rot.

The advantage is that I now see a lot more sky when I sit on my deck and look at the stars. And my vegetable garden will get more sun.

