Sadie’s Luxury Cruise

As an elderly lady, Sadie signed up for the all-expenses-paid luxury cruise lifestyle. She got to have the primo-fancy food (seriously - you could add breadcrumbs and serve it up as meatloaf), of course served in bed. Walks in the stroller, like her own princess-style carriage. Endless adoration. All of the cheese topping from Mom’s Panera danish.

As I knew it must, the time came for me to say goodbye. I spent the night snuggling with my little girl, trying to ease her suffering… but in the morning, I was certain of my decision. She had told me she was had had enough, and I needed to be brave enough to listen.

Good bye, my sweet girl. I adored you every single day. I love you more than I thought possible, and will continue to treasure your memory for as long as I live.

Breakfast in Bed (for 2)

Breakfast in Bed (for 2)

Wall decal in the quiet room at the oncologist’s office.

Wall decal in the quiet room at the oncologist’s office.


She Is Gone

You can shed tears that she is gone
or you can smile because she lived.

You can close your eyes and pray that she'll come back
or you can open your eyes and see all she's left.

Your heart can be empty because you can't see her
or you can be full of the love you shared.

You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.

You can remember her and only that she's gone
or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.

You can cry and lose your mind,
be empty and turn your back
or you can do what she'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.

-- Author Unknown


Silent Protest

On glucosamine pills:

Maddox: “I reject the lump of disgust you’ve so rudely heaved into my bowl.”
Sadie: “Can I have hers?”


Sadie and the Vacuum

Snow melt has revealed twigs that must be shredded all over the carpet. It's like Sadie knows I've just cleaned, and has no tolerance for it. The upper right fang-bearing pic shows the face she makes when she's rolling something around on her tongue.

Snow Gear

A new meaning of the phrase 'dog shelter'Keep in mind that we'd only been outside in this 20-degree day for... I dunno... SIX MINUTES. I had shoveled paths around the yard, and apparently they all lead back inside. Where it's WARM.

A new meaning of the phrase 'dog shelter'
Keep in mind that we'd only been outside in this 20-degree day for... I dunno... SIX MINUTES. I had shoveled paths around the yard, and apparently they all lead back inside. Where it's WARM.

I massage Musher's Secret into the pads of their feet to prevent cracking and dryness, salt injury, and wadding of snow in-between Sadie's toes.


I finally broke down and ordered Sadie a full-body waterproof shell to avoid the snowball-butt woes. For anyone who's interested, this is Hurtta's Slush Combat Suit, size 22".

Beach, Pizza, and Daiquiris

We spent more time at the beach this afternoon. It has been so long since I had to worry about getting sunburned. Or wore anything without sleeves. Or thought it reasonable that wet fabric should become dry when hung outside. Now I'm sucking down a daiquiri at Gelsosomo's while I wait for my spinach stuffed pizza to bake.

Lake Michigan

We all went for a dip in the GREAT Lake Michigan this morning. It was cool and refreshing... we may have to go back in the heat of the afternoon, too.

Sadie fetching

Sadie fetching

Maddox makes sand angels

Maddox makes sand angels

Good thing Mom packed the eye drops

Good thing Mom packed the eye drops

Back to camp and eating doggie ice cream in the screen room

Back to camp and eating doggie ice cream in the screen room

Wall Drug

The signs along I-90 start many MANY miles before the exit.

The signs along I-90 start many MANY miles before the exit.

I like to buy my pharmaceuticals and dead animal heads in the same place.

I like to buy my pharmaceuticals and dead animal heads in the same place.

Oh good... I needed a new flask.

Oh good... I needed a new flask.

Like a small town inside a town.

Like a small town inside a town.

Water! The famous start to the Wall Drug story.

Water! The famous start to the Wall Drug story.

Girls stare down the beast.

Girls stare down the beast.

Day 3: MT Views

The narrow strip of Idaho was lovely, but short-lived. Here's a sign:

I almost missed the MT sign, but caught it through the blue band at the top of the windshield. Plus, you can see all the bugs. I'll have to work on my phone-camera-while-driving skills, but I make no promises. :)



Decisions, decisions.

Decisions, decisions.

I thought driving away from the sunset would help me not squint. Until I got behind this guy. I think my retina is permanently scarred.

I thought driving away from the sunset would help me not squint. Until I got behind this guy. I think my retina is permanently scarred.



Prepare yourselves, ladies.

Prepare yourselves, ladies.



I was treated to gorgeous sunset colors and an evening lightning show.

Day 2: Liberty Lake

I decided to make it a two-nighter in Liberty Lake, and got to play on the water with Wendy & her friends. This also means the Camping World shop can get my fridge working first thing Monday morning. Plus, I can use Wendy's wifi to VPN into work and finish my mid-year review (sorry Kreg!). I'll call procrastination an 'opportunity'. 😜

Lake Bagels

Lake Bagels

Girls play & swim on the inlet... the island is like our own private dog park, complete with a goose-poop buffet

Girls play & swim on the inlet... the island is like our own private dog park, complete with a goose-poop buffet

La Buena Vida, indeed:

La Buena Vida, indeed:

Diana, Jerry, Wendy, and Jenn:

Diana, Jerry, Wendy, and Jenn:

Dog Wagon

Road-trip ready girls! Maddox has decided that the box behind us is scary, and insisted on sitting in the passenger seat for the first stretch. King County roads are pretty bumpy (sometimes on purpose, like over Snoqualmie Pass), and the trailer causes vibrations to feed right into the frame of my car. Once we got over the pass (at a painful 50 mph), it was smooth sailing.
