You all know how much I love my canine visitors. And how much they love to visit. Sometimes a little too much. This screen had been showing its age, and I’d had to press the spline back into place a few times. And then one weekend a particularly adorable and rambunctious pup came to visit, and I made the unspeakable error of being on the opposite side of the screen from him. While he soon after learned how to use the dog door, there was no coming back for the screen. It was toast.
I bought a few rolls of pet-proof screening and a roller tool for installation, and watched a few YouTube videos. It really was pretty simple, but not exactly easy. The new screen is thicker than the old one, so pressing in the spline took extra muscle. And then trimming off the extra screen resulted in a couple nicks in the new screen… so, imperfect, but not bad for a first try.
The new screen is slightly darker, but not enough that I notice a big difference. The other door is next on my list, and eventually the doors downstairs.
Let. Me. IN! Or OUT! Or… wherever you are!
Kept the mosquitos out, but man… what a look.