Kitchen Demolition and Appliances

Cutting out the wall separating the dining room from the kitchen gives the refrigerator door to open. With the wall gone, the light switch needed to move to a different wall.

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The vent from the previous microwave recirculated air back into the kitchen. I wanted the new microwave to vent out into the carport, so I needed to cut another hole in the house. Someday I'll repair the siding so it looks nicer, but for now, it'll keep the bugs out.

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Connected... love the apps!

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Tribute to a 27-Year Old Fridge

This fridge came with the house, and chugged along for much longer than should be expected. My appraiser described it as ‘serviceable’, which seems to be the politically correct way to point out that it works but probably will require TLC to keep it working.

It must have sensed that the new appliances would be arriving the very next day, and decided to crap out. Let it be known that I got every last minute of useful life out of this thing. RIP, my old fridge.


You kept my food cold, sort of
Lack of storage helped me diet
Missing kick plate showed your workings
None accuse you of being quiet

Broken shelves empty by gravity
Delayed ice rinsed my flooring
Rotten produce feeds my compost
Energy efficiency is so boring