Welcome Home, Sadie!

I met Sadie briefly one afternoon. She was nervous, and her belly didn't feel too good (giardiasis), so we didn't get to have a sleep-over. I loved meeting her, and tried to remind myself that the upcoming weekend was simply a 'trial period', and not a firm commitment. Despite that sentiment, I set out to purchase all the dog goodies: leash, bowl, treats, toys, bed. (Yeah... 'trial' my ass.)

Uncertain Sadie at our first meeting

Uncertain Sadie at our first meeting

Skinny minnie with her little bony butt

Skinny minnie with her little bony butt

We had our first overnight over MLK weekend in January 2007. She's sporting a new harness because the collar had rubbed a bald spot in the soft fur of the neck. 

Cold bum!

Cold bum!

Happy girls with matching hair

Happy girls with matching hair

Kisses from my baby

Kisses from my baby