First Night Camping

The night at the Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park campgrounds started late (arrived at 11 pm), so I popped the roof as silently as I could, and crashed. Then I spent the morning doing some organizing and cleaning inside. I opted to not tour the caverns, since it was a 2 hr time commitment, and no dogs.

Here's the camper basking in the morning sun. I think she likes Montana... even with all the bugs.

Day 3: MT Views

The narrow strip of Idaho was lovely, but short-lived. Here's a sign:

I almost missed the MT sign, but caught it through the blue band at the top of the windshield. Plus, you can see all the bugs. I'll have to work on my phone-camera-while-driving skills, but I make no promises. :)



Decisions, decisions.

Decisions, decisions.

I thought driving away from the sunset would help me not squint. Until I got behind this guy. I think my retina is permanently scarred.

I thought driving away from the sunset would help me not squint. Until I got behind this guy. I think my retina is permanently scarred.



Prepare yourselves, ladies.

Prepare yourselves, ladies.



I was treated to gorgeous sunset colors and an evening lightning show.

Lessons in Electrics

Lesson #1: Don't leave the camper plugged into your car overnight. Once it drains its own battery, it'll move on to the one in your car.

Lesson #2: Carry jumper cables.

Lesson #3: Electric appliances don't work when the GFCI has been tripped.

Getting all the links worked out early on, you see. Damn newbie.

Day 2: Liberty Lake

I decided to make it a two-nighter in Liberty Lake, and got to play on the water with Wendy & her friends. This also means the Camping World shop can get my fridge working first thing Monday morning. Plus, I can use Wendy's wifi to VPN into work and finish my mid-year review (sorry Kreg!). I'll call procrastination an 'opportunity'. 😜

Lake Bagels

Lake Bagels

Girls play & swim on the inlet... the island is like our own private dog park, complete with a goose-poop buffet

Girls play & swim on the inlet... the island is like our own private dog park, complete with a goose-poop buffet

La Buena Vida, indeed:

La Buena Vida, indeed:

Diana, Jerry, Wendy, and Jenn:

Diana, Jerry, Wendy, and Jenn:

Dog Wagon

Road-trip ready girls! Maddox has decided that the box behind us is scary, and insisted on sitting in the passenger seat for the first stretch. King County roads are pretty bumpy (sometimes on purpose, like over Snoqualmie Pass), and the trailer causes vibrations to feed right into the frame of my car. Once we got over the pass (at a painful 50 mph), it was smooth sailing.


No Gas For You

Sonofabiiiiitch... my purse is still at Laura's house in Shoreline. Slight delay. :( Thank god for Kristen, who is ferrying it to me in SoDo.

Mile 14

Last Seattle stop (well, before getting gas) is Kreg's house. He checked out my trailer and showed me the water hookups & drains. I had a vague notion (RTFM!) of how it worked, but it's nice to have a seasoned RVer offer advice.


Went to breakfast with Laura & Bill before loading the dogs in the car for the big launch!


What the Sun?

By the way... are you noticing a distinct lack of cloud cover in these photos? Damn weather... it's like when the guy you're breaking up with suddenly turns extra-special-awesome, just to screw with you.

Goodbye, Skyscraper

It rains 300 days a year, but the blue skies bid me farewell... as if the city was trying to tell me something.

WaMu-slash-Chase-slash-Russell Investments Center

WaMu-slash-Chase-slash-Russell Investments Center

Westlake Center

Westlake Center

Blue trees... not sure what that's about, but it looks cool

Blue trees... not sure what that's about, but it looks cool

2nd Ave & Smith Tower

2nd Ave & Smith Tower

Big Bed

The girls are getting used to the camper, even with the shaky feeling that comes from not putting the stabilizers down. Now I just need a dog blanket big enough for this king sized bed!