Motor Time

I like having a motor on my sailboat. I appreciate the ability to drop the sails when the wind is too high, or too low… or to navigate the mooring field on my limited sailing skill. I don’t enjoy listening to it. Or buying gas for it. Or changing oil and spark plugs and all that.

Enter: Electric. Quiet and sun-powered.

Closing Time

Well, it’s been great to spend the last week getting on the water as much as possible, and now it’s time to put the It’s About Time to bed for the winter. MYC requires that all boats and mooring balls be removed by Wednesday, so this weekend marked the last sail of the season. Now I get to spend the winter studying, playing the learn-to-sail app on my phone, shopping for sailing gadgets and gear, and attempting to sew stuff for the boat.


Time for Foliage, Wind, and Sun

What a fabulous week. My second and third informal sailing lessons came on clear blue days with a gentle breeze, with a smattering of other boats dotting the horizon.

My club sponsor and sailing instructor and all-around awesome neighbor, Bill.

My club sponsor and sailing instructor and all-around awesome neighbor, Bill.

Michele rode her bicycle along the rail trail that skirts the lake and took pics.

Michele rode her bicycle along the rail trail that skirts the lake and took pics.

My shiny new sail!

My shiny new sail!

I love the crisp clean white sail against the deep blue sky.

I love the crisp clean white sail against the deep blue sky.

Windmill boats spin around Massebesic in an informal race.

Windmill boats spin around Massebesic in an informal race.

Time to Launch

I finally have access to the only working boat launch in town… YAAAAAY! Even though I won’t have much time this season, I’m excited to get a few days on the water before I have to put her away for the winter. Luckily my boat draws only 18”, so I’m able to get into the water and past the rocks that foil bigger boats.


We launched the boat, stepped the mast, and got it all rigged. Now that it’s all put together, leaving it in the water makes it easier to quickly get under sail. Bill & Michele have already pulled their boat (bigger, draws 4’), and offered their mooring so I can more easily enjoy my boat for the short time before Dock-Out later this month. I’ll get my own mooring next spring and be set for the whole season!


Club Time

The Massabesic Yacht Club has the only boat launch in town that hasn’t been rendered useless by this year’s drought conditions. Luckily, I have membership sponsors Bill & Michele just a couple doors up the street from me. The board voted to approve my membership, and Bill met me at the club to give me keys and show me around.

Public launch ready to bury any boat trailer in the sand.

Public launch ready to bury any boat trailer into the sand.

Clubhouse and outdoor barbecue pavilion.

Clubhouse and outdoor barbecue pavilion.

Stakes marking the dropping water level.

Stakes marking the dropping water level.

Bill & Kate at the MYC boat launch.

Bill & Kate at the MYC boat launch.

It's About Time

Time of day, time of life, time spent enjoying.

Say hello to IT’S ABOUT TIME.

She’s a 1986 O’Day 192 that purchased from a gentleman who used to be an engineer for O’Day. (Actually, he reminded me of Gil, with his gray mustache and Navy veteran hat.) He’s kept it in impeccable condition, with new sails, lines, and rigging in the last two years.

Check out these O’Day marketing materials from the mid-80s… gotta love the wood-paneled station wagon demonstrating how easy it is to tow.

Check out these O’Day marketing materials from the mid-80s… gotta love the wood-paneled station wagon demonstrating how easy it is to tow.

Introductions and explanations

Introductions and explanations

Getting the tour

Getting the tour

Off we go!

Off we go!

We may need the boat to get home if this rain keeps up.

We may need the boat to get home if this rain keeps up.

Home safe

Home safe

Maddox doesn’t know she has a surprise waiting outside

Maddox doesn’t know she has a surprise waiting outside

Maddox in her PFD and Jolly Roger collar

Maddox in her PFD and Jolly Roger collar

All my pirate booty splayed across the yard

All my pirate booty splayed across the yard