Sadie's last day of radiation was on August 7th, and I knew that much like a sunburn, it would get worse before it got better. I took these pictures so I could get a better sense of the progress.
8/13 (6 days after her last treatment): whitish flesh (mucositis) inside her lip...
... and sloughing later the same day.
8/16 (9 days later): fat lip is still a little cracked, but healing.
8/17 (10 days later): pink & looking more supple.
8/25 (18 days later): inside her cheek returning to normal...
... and a little fur missing from her cheek.
9/4 (28 days later): smooth & healed inside cheek...
... and more obvious fur loss on her muzzle.
Babies enjoy homemade applesauce & peanut butter frozen yogurt on a hot day.
Happy girl allowed to swim in the local pond once again!
Followup December 7, 2017: Sadie's last chemo visit was today, so she has 14 more pills and then she's done. We'll keep monitoring, but for now, her chest x-ray and abdominal ultrasounds showed no signs of spreading cancer. Fingers crossed! Here she is relaxing on her small couch, showing off the patch of white fur that grew back in at the radiation site. I call it her Angell Kiss.